Animasi Biologi

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File Animasi Biologi (.swf)

Cardiac Syestem

Baroreceptor Reflex Control of Blood Pressure
Chemoreceptor Reflex Control of Blood Pressure
Conduct System of Heart
The Cardiac Cycle

Cell Cycle & Division

Comparsion of Mitosis and Meiosis
Control of the Cell Cycle
How The Cell Cycle Work
How Tumor Suppressor Genes Block Cells Divisions
Mitosis and Cytokinesis Animalia
Mitosis And Cytokinesis Plantae
Random Orientation Chromosomes During Meiosos
Stage of Meiosis
Unique Features of Meiosis


Action of Epinephrine on a Liver Cell
Animal Cells
Bacteria Cell (Quiz)
Bacteria Cell
Carrier Protein
Cell Cycle (1)
Cell Cycle (2)
Cell Division
Cell Fact
Cell Organel (1)
Cell Organel (2)
Cell Organel (3)
Cell Proliferation Signaling Pathway
Cell Structure
Cellular Transport
Character of Protist
Cotrnrsport (Symport and Antiport)
Endocytosis and Exocytosis
Endomembrane Protein Synthesis
Endosythosis (1)
Endosythosis (2)
FAS Signaling Pathways
Golgi Aparatus
How Diffusion Work
How Facilitated Diffusions Work
How Osmosis Work
Intracellular Recptor Model
Membrane Fluidity
Membrane-Bound Receptors, G Proteins and Ca2+ Channel
Plant Cell
Plant Cell (Lipid)
Plant Cells (Carbohydrate)
Protein Transport
Proton Pump
Receptors Linked to a Channel Proteins
Red Blood Cells (1)
Red Blood Cells (2)
Second Message The cAMP and Ca++ Pathway
Second Messengers cAMP
Signal Amplification
Sodium & Potasium Pump (1)
Sodium & Potasium Pump (2)
Sodium Potassium Exchange Pump (1)
Sodium Potassium Exchange Pump (2)

Cellular Respirations

Decarboxylative Oxydative
Electron Transport System (1)
Electron Transport System (2)
Electron Transport System (3)
Electron Transport System (4)
Glycolysis (1)
Glycolysis (2)
Glycolysis (1*)
Glycolysis (2*)
How The NAD+ Work
Krebs Cycle (1)
Krebs Cycle (2)
Metochondria Electron Transport
Overview of Glucose Metabolism
Oxidative Phosphorylation
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex
Step I How Glycolysis Work
Step II Krebs Cycle
Step III Electron Transport System and ATP Synthesis
Summary of Glucose Breakdown

Digestive System

Colon Reflexs
Digestive System Of Mamals
HCl Product by Parential Cells in the Gastric Glands On The Stomach
Organs of Digestion Final
Three Phases of Gastric Secretion


A Biochemical Pathway
Activation Energy
B Vitamins
Enzyme Action and the Hydrolysis of Sources
Enzyme Binding
Enzyme Inhibition
Feedback Inhibition of Biochemical Pathway
How Enzyme Work

Expresion of Gene

(cDNA) Complementary DNA
(PCR) Polymerase Chain Reaction
Bidiretional DNA Replication
Combination of Switches The Lac Operon
Conjugation Transfer of  Chromosomal DNA
Conjugation Transfer of the F Plasmid
Control of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes
DNA Replication Fork
Early Genetic Engineering Experiments
Hersey And Chase Experiment
How Intracellular Regulate Gene Transcription
How Nucleotides are Added in DNA Replication
How Spleceocomes Process RNA
How Translation Work
Integration And Exsision of a Plasmid
Mechanism of Thyoxine Action
Mechanism Of Transposition
mRNA Synthesis (Transcriptions)
Mutation by Base Subtitution
Proccesing of Gene Information Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Protein Synthesis (Prokaryotes)
Proteins Synthesis
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
Retriction Endonucleasess
Shouthern Blot
Slipped-Strand Mispairing
Steps In a Cloning Gene
The Central Dogma of Biochemistry
The Consequence of The Inversion
The Lac Operon Induction
The Rolling Circle System Mechanism of Replications
The Tryptophan Repressor
Thymine Dimers Formation and Repair
Transcription Complex And Enhancers
Transductions (Generalizaed)


HIV Replication
How the HIV Infections Cycle Work
Treatment HIV

Human Respirations

Alveolar Pressure Changes During Inspiration and Expirations
Changes In The Partial Pressures of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
Fluid Exchange Accros the Walls of Capillaries
Gas Exchange During Respirations
Movement of Oxygen and Carbone Dioxide in The Body

Imuno System

Activation of Complement
Antigen Processing
Antigenic Determintants (Epitopes)
Constructing Vaccines
Cytotoxic (Type II) Hypersensitivity
Cytotoxic T-Cell Activity Against Target Cells
Delayed (Type IV) Hypersensitivity
IgE-Mediated (Type 1) Hypersensitivity
Immune Complex (Type III) Hypersensitivity
Monoclonal Antibodi Product
T-Cells Dependent Antigenes
The Immune Response

Mechanism Muscle Work

Action Potentials And Muscle Constructions
Breakdown of ATP and Cross-Bridge Movement During Muscle construction
Myofilament Contrutions
Sarcomere Shortening


Aerobic & Anaerobic Respiration
Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Anaerobic Cellular Respiration (Fermentation)
ATP Synthase (1)
ATP Synthase (2)
Fatty Acid Metabolism
Introduction to Metabolism
Metabolism Carbohydrate

Nerve System

Action Potential Propagation In an Unmyelinated Axon
Chemical Synapse
Effect of Sound Wave on Cochlear Structures
Function of the Neuromuscular Junction
How Prions Arise
The Nerve Impulse
The Resting Membrane Potential
Transmission Across a Synapse
Voltage-Gated Channels and The Action Potential
Water Content of Foods


Bone Growth in Width
Carbon Cycle
Growing Plant (Game)
Hemoglobin Breakdown
Hemolysis and Crenation
Hormonal Communication
Kidney (How's Work)
Lifecycles of Plant
Malaria Life Cycle of Plasmodium
Maturations of the Follicle and Oocyte
Mechanism of Steroid Hormone Action
Meselson and Stahl Experiment
Micturition Reflex
Moss Life Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle (1)
Nitrogen Cycle (2)
Nutrient Density Comparator
Positive and Negative Feedback
Protein Denaturation
Virus and Bacterium


Step I Calvin Cycle
Step II Calvin Cycle
Step III Calvin Cycle
Step IV Calvin Cycle
Calvin Cycle (1)*
Calvin Cycle (2)*
Cyclic And Noncyclic Photophosphorylation
Oxygenic Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis (1)*
Photosynthesis (2)*
Photosynthesis (1)**
Photosynthesis (2)**
Photosynthesis : Light Reaction (1)
Photosynthesis : Light Reaction (2)
Photosynthetic Electron Transport And ATP Synthesis
Photosystem I
Photosystem II
Thylacoid Membrane (1)
Thylacoid Membrane (2)


Blood Sugar Regulation in the Diabetes
Calories In a Sandwich
Energy Sources for Prolonged Excercis
Fetal Development and Risk
Relationship of Nutrient Needs to Age and Gender

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